Wedding photographer Munich

Tipi tent wedding Blueland near Munich

Location: Blueland, Ohlstadt

Wedding party in Munich and the guests celebrate the groom

Unique and unforgettable wedding experience in nature

When Johanna and Tobias told me about their wedding location near Munich, the BlueLand in Ohlstadt, they immediately went into raptures: "Unusual, romantic, enchanting and in the middle of nature with a tipi tent and campfire".

Tipi wedding in the middle of nature, that sounded great. So the two planned their wonderful day in August with a free wedding ceremony, feet dangling in the creek, delicious food and a relaxing finish around the campfire under the stars with their friends.

The day was more than perfect for their wedding coverage, even the rain towards evening couldn't change that.

Highlight video

I am very happy, proud and excited to show you this beautiful video from the wedding of Johanna and Tobias from Munich.

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